Legal Notice
of the company
Hotel Schloss Eggersberg
Registered Office Address
Obereggersberg 18, 93339 Obereggersberg b.
Riedenburg, Germany
DE 171792125
Tenants of the hotel:
Renate und Michael Schwarz
+49 9442 91870, +49 9442 918711
+49 9442 918787
Email address:
Internet address:
comments, criticism or change requests please send en email to
H.-P. M. Tassilo Wenzl-Sylvester
Freystr. 2
80802 München
GermanyTel.: +49 89 391601
Fax: +49 89 390200
Manfred Ament, Bienengasse 11, 72213 Altensteig,
Germany, Telephone:
+49 7453 9326988, Email:
Translation of the website from German into English: Juliana Weidinger
(Translation of German version)
(for information purpose only - German version is to be considered the
only valid version)
Liability for content
contents of our pages were prepared with the utmost care and to our best
of knowledge. However, we do not accept any liability for correctness,
completeness and topicality.
According to §6
par. 1 MDStV (German Interstate Agreement on Media Services) and §8 par. 1 of
TDG (German Teleservices Act), the law limits our responsibility as a service
provider to our own content on these Web pages. We are not obligated to monitor
third party information provided or stored on our website. However, we shall
promptly remove any content upon becoming aware that it violates the law.
Liability of links
site contains links to third-party websites. We have no influence
whatsoever on the content of these websites and do not assume liability
or guarantee for its correctness. Responsible for these contents is
solely the respective owner/provider. At the time third-party websites
were linked to ours, we found no grounds whatsoever of any likely
contravention of the law. We shall promptly delete a link upon becoming
aware that it violates the law.
operators of these pages are anxious to respect third-party copyrights
or to revert to self-produced and licence-free works. Third-party
contributions are each marked. Duplication, processing, distribution, or
any form of commercialization of such material beyond the scope of the
copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective
author or creator. Downloads and copies of our pages are only for
private use, a commercial use is not permitted.
Data protection
statements made on these pages to personal data are collected on own
will (e.g. name, address or email address). We ensure absolute
confidentiality and privacy of addresses, email addresses etc. that are
given to us by guests, clients or other persons. We do not disclose your
personal data to third parties
oppose the use of any available contact information by a third party.